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Monday, October 29, 2012


Dear Emily,
   I am convinced that God provides us with sleep in much the same way that he provides us with food.  Can it be that sleep is like manna and he gives us how much we need to make it through the day?  Maybe this is only true for mothers.  He helps us manage and sustains us.  Last night, after several nights of Julie waking up 3 and 4 times to nurse unnecessarily, she managed to sleep for over 12 hours with only 2 wakings. It was a glorious night and a lovely morning in which I was able to regain my sanity.
And it is a good thing, because she has fought sleep like none other today.  It's been a rough day, but I am so thankful that I was well rested for it!
Thank you Lord for your sleep that sustains and refreshes... and thank you for sleeping babies.
How are you sleeping these days?  Sleep seems to be at the fore front of all my conversations.
Love, Jen

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