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Tuesday, November 6, 2012


Dear Emily,
  I recently watched a tv show; one that I hate to admit I watched, even a whole season of it, but in it there was a girl who came to know her real family after living with foster parents and being passed around all her life.  When she met her real family and made real friends, she hid her secrets from them because she was afraid they wouldn't love her if they knew the real her and everything she had been through.  In the end, when they did find out her secrets, they loved her more.

It is amazing what honesty does for relationships. It is amazing what being transparent with people does for friendships.  It is becoming apparent to me that people want the truth about us.  It makes us real, it bonds us. It lets us know that we are not the only ones that struggle with such and such. We fight the same battles... people, women, mothers.

The more I get to know you, the more I treasure your heart.
Thank you for the dear, sweet package and lovely letter.
Did you know how much I loved that hat when Clara wore it? I wanted it so badly for my future baby. I had forgotten about it until now. I love it so much. Thank you!!! I treasure it all.

Love, Jen

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