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Wednesday, January 23, 2013

She's not mine.

Dear Emily,
  You might recall this week when I called you all flustered after my baby swallowed the lion's tail off of her Noah's Ark quilt. Did I tell you I called 911? Turns out that they don't give you medical advice over the phone... and in my better judgement, I decided against letting them send the paramedic out. It would have made for an even better story if I had... After all, it was just a piece of string.

Last night, Julie woke me up with her coughing... coughing hard. I went in and bundled her up and rocked her back to sleep. It was one of those moments where you feel like you should stay there all night holding them upright, rocking them...
This morning she started coughing again to the point where I thought she couldn't breathe.
I tried to get a hold of the pediatrician with little success and was told that I could have an appointment tomorrow. Not good enough! So I walked in to the clinic. Hello, Crazy lady with a happy, active baby here with no sign of sickness.  I love that the nurse humored me and checked her out and listened to her chest.

Over reaction at its finest... but where do you draw the line. As a mom my job in life is to protect her and make sure that she is always safe and secure.

This is not the first time, nor will it be the last, that I am reminded that she does not belong to me. Every time that I think I will home school her, lock her in a closet, board it up, never let her out of the house... God says no. He only gave her to me to borrow for a little while. So I am giving her to God every day.  He has way more power to love, protect, and heal her little body than I ever could.

Love, Jen

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