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Friday, November 2, 2012

Heart things.

Dear Emily,

I was flipping through Instagram today and came across a post in which the woman mentioned losing a baby. I don't know specifics, but it got me to thinking about what moves our heart. The thought of miscarrying or losing a child brings chills to my spine... but what else moves us?

I am kind of experimenting with some sleep training... just trying to get Julie to nap in her crib and sometimes to go down without the long bouts of bouncing and patting. I let her cry herself to sleep this morning and it only took 15 minutes. Not bad... but then I tried it again for her second nap and I gave in at 20. It was too heartbreaking. Her sad wails moved my heart, deep down. At that point, I needed her to know I was there and I rushed in picked her up and snuggled her so tight. I wouldn't let her go. She eventually fell asleep after some peaceful swaying. It was a sweet moment and I loved that I could make the decision when enough was enough.  Holding our babies moves our heart.

My husband was gone for 4 days this week at a conference and even though I talked to him every day and even Skyped once, when we came home and hugged me so tight that it lifted me off the floor, it moved my heart.

Three separate friends this week moved my heart, one brought me muffins, one brought me dinner, and one brought me coconut and pumpkin teas.  Obviously, the key to my heart is food... haha, but the blessing was so good.

Dear friends sharing the news of a third baby on the way moves my heart... bringing new chubby thighs into this world. The world needs more of that kind of joy.  What has moved your heart this week?

I hope you have a lovely weekend. A friend has made us plan a date for Saturday, so she is keeping Julie and I am taking Travis out for a birthday brunch at a fancy restaurant on the beach. I am so excited!  Hooray for dates!

Love, Jen

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