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Friday, October 5, 2012

Dear Jen, Welcome....

Dear Jen,

Welcome to my life.

Your last letter is right on target for me. I know we've talked it over a thousand times, probably too many times in this little correspondence, but we are so obviously in the middle of "creating ourselves."

I have those big plans like you do too. I want to be photographer, painter, ceramic artist, Graphic designer, crafter extraordinaire. I wish I were a yogi, triathlete, top selling agent, famous blogger. I want to be organized, and spontaneous, creative and stable. I wish I were well read, and witty, respected and the life of the party.

What I'm realizing lately, is that I'm a little bit of all of these things, but never going to be perfectly any of them. I'm trying to learn how to let go of some of the expectation and pressure I put on myself. I'm hoping to simplify my life a little by cutting out the excess, and focusing on the few things that really mean something.

So, I'm not a seamstress, and I'm cutting out silly crafts. I'm a simplest in the kitchen, and will admit my house is never going to be perfect or really that clean (ugh?). I'm humbled to realize I will never be the best dressed, and I cannot be a full studio artist in every sense of the word.

Though it's sad to say goodbye to some dreams; it's wildly freeing to say no to the things that don't mean much to me, and focus on the things that do. I'd rather be good at a few things than mediocre at everything.

So I'm saying welcome to my life, I'm hoping it will be a lot less cluttered.



My five minute take on the topic "welcome"
Linking up with Lisa-Jo Baker's 5 minute Friday

1 comment:

  1. I love the concept of your blog - letter writing. It's such a fresh idea in the blogging world.

    I, too, am a dreamer and am learning to let go of the things that don't matter.

    Enjoy the freedom it brings you!
