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Thursday, May 16, 2013

Dear Jen, Dandelions and Dirt

Dear Jen,

Today, I'm ready for lunch at 9:45 in the morning. It's the kind of day that starts at 6, there has been breakfast, front porch play, back porch play, snack and nap by 9:30.

I had supermom plans to make the healthiest popsicles known to baby...and I think I certainly accomplished it. Beets, kale, apples, banana, strawberry. I took a quick taste, they taste like you'd probably expect: dirt and dandelions. They are horrible. Since Clara can regularly be found with dirt in her mouth, I might have a shot at these being received as a tasty snack.

Yesterday I caught Clara trying to eat a muddy rock. After we discarded it, Bella actually DID eat it. What? Who are these little ones of mine? How am I responsible for this? I do not model this behavior. But they provide a regular laugh. And as you are well aware, who knows what is to become of Bella's poor insides. She is most certainly still digesting as of late: one rock, one corn cobb, and one watermelon rind. Wish us luck with that.

Last night Clara cried for 10 minutes because I took her sandals off. It was a sign to her that the day was done, and outside play was over. Lately when I put her down at night and naps, she has the last word of negotiation, "wake up, go outside". It's not a question, it's a fact. Thank goodness for the cooperative weather, growing seeds, and ice cream dates. Summer has been a long time coming, and we are making use of every sunny minute of it.


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